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1.中国空气动力研究与发展中心 空天技术研究所,四川 绵阳 621000;2.中国空气动力研究与发展中心,四川 绵阳 621000
关键词:  轴流涡轮  一维设计  光滑流道  优化设计  等熵效率
One-Dimensional Turbine Optimum Design Method with Smooth Flow Path
JIANG Zhu-yu1, FAN Zhao-lin2, QIU Ming1, WANG Guo-liang1
1.Aerospace Technology Institute,China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China;2.China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China
To ensure the smoothness of turbine flow path profile, a 1D axial flow turbine optimum design method has been developed. The design method can inversely design initial flow path at first, and then optimize smooth flow path. The method focuses on the calculation of aerodynamic parameters at turbine mean radius by solving 1D flow formulae, and utilizes energy and velocity loss coefficient models. The influence of cooling air mixing and variable specific heat can be included in the method. And genetic algorithm is also implemented to obtain optimum flow path geometry, stage work distribution, and velocity diagram parameters, aiming to improve isentropic efficiency. The design method has been used to commence validating computation on two reference turbines and optimum design on a four stage turbine. Finally, through result analysis, it can be shown that the design method can effectively design smooth flow path and improve isentropic efficiency. Mass flow rate, expansion ratio and isentropic efficiency calculation results are basically accurate. Stage loading and flow coefficient distribution are relatively reliable. Meanwhile, average absolute value of blade row exit flow angle error is within 3.2°, with average absolute value of Mach number error less than 0.054. Besides, variation trend of blade row loss with stage is generally accurate.
Key words:  Axial turbine  1D design  Smooth flow path  Optimum design  Isentropic efficiency