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清华大学 能源与动力工程系,北京 100084
关键词:  主动热防护  超声速气膜冷却  入射激波  绝热冷效  换热系数
Effects of Incident Shock on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supersonic Film Cooling
XU Hao-nan, LI Xue-ying, REN Jing
Department of Energy and Power Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
To study the influence mechanism of incident shock on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of supersonic film cooling, based on the method of numerical simulation, the changes of adiabatic cooling effectiveness and wall heat transfer coefficient were studied by changing the incident angle of shock wave (θ=2°,4°,8°) under three kinds of cooling air injection Mach number(Ma=1.2, 1.5, 1.8). The results show that the effects of shock wave on adiabatic cooling effectiveness and wall heat transfer coefficient could be divided into four regions according to the local flow characteristic and the interaction intensity between the mainflow and cooling jet. The strengthened incident shock wave increased the adverse pressure, caused the separation vortex enlarged and made the interaction intensity enhanced in the boundary layer reattachment region, which will deteriorate the cooling performance. The increase of the cooling jet Mach number shifted the boundary layer separation position and weakened the interaction intensity after the separation vortex which could compensate for the deterioration of the cooling performance caused by the incident shock. In general, the overall cooling performance decreased with the action of incident shock, but it could be greatly improved by increasing the jet Mach number when the injection Mach number was relatively low, which the maximum increase was 80.6%.
Key words:  Active thermal protection  Supersonic film cooling  Incident shock  Adiabatic cooling efficiency  Heat transfer coefficient