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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  局部粒子投放  激波/边界层干扰  流动分离  流动控制  数值模拟
Compression Corner Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction Flow Control Based on Local Particles Injection
XU Yao-yu, LI Xin, TAN Hui-jun, HUANG He-xia, ZHANG Yue
College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
In order to explore the feasibility of the new flow control method of local particle injection in controlling the separation induced by shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SWBLI), in this paper, aiming at the 2D compression corner model, the numerical simulation method was used to explore the mechanism of controlling SWBLI-induced separation by local particle injection. The results show that the solid particles injected upstream of the separation zone will inject momentum into the low-velocity fluid near the wall, making the shape factor of the boundary layer smaller. At the same time, due to the relaxation effect of the particles behind the shock wave, the particles will also inject momentum to the fluid. Under the combined effect of the above two factors, the separation region’s size was significantly reduced. The current study also shows that the larger non-dimensional mass flow SL of the input particles (taking the boundary layer mass flow of the baseline case as a reference) and the smaller particle size Dp, the better control effect will be obtained. When using TiO2 particles with SL=0.12 and Dp=0.5μm for flow control, the non-dimensional streamwise distance between the separation point and the reattachment point reduces from 4.85 to 1.77, the latter is only 36.5% of the former, which shows the effectiveness of this method.
Key words:  Local particles injection  Shock wave/boundary layer interaction  Flow separation  Flow control  Numerical simulation