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1.南京理工大学 化学与化工学院,江苏 南京 210094;2.南京理工大学 空间推进技术研究所,江苏 南京 210094;3.上海航天动力技术研究所,上海 201109;4.工业和信息化部 微纳含能器件重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094
关键词:  等离子体推力器  推进剂  推力性能  电弧放电  激光推进
Electric Acceleration Characteristics of AN-Based Propellant under Pulsed Laser Irradiation
DUAN Bu-ren1,2, ZHANG Hao-nan1,2, HUA Zuo-hao3, WU Li-zhi1,2,4, BAO Zi-jing1,2, GUO Ning3, YE Ying-hua1,2,4, SHEN Rui-qi1,2,4
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;2.Institute of Space Propulsion,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;3.Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute,Shanghai 201109,China;4.Micro-Nano Energetic Devices Key Laboratory,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
Acceleration electrodes with three types were presented to test the discharge performance of the laser-pulsed plasma thruster (LPPT), aiming to investigate the effects of electrode geometry on thrust performance. Furthermore, AN-based propellant was designed as substitute for ordinary PTFE propellant to enhance the thrust performance of the LPPT, and the thrust performance of the two propellants was compared. The performance of the propellant was analyzed by current probe, photoelectric sensor and a micro-impulse test bench. The results suggest that increasing length and width of the electrodes are not conducive to arc discharge, which leads to an increase in discharge delay time. AN-based propellant has higher plasma peak current and shorter discharge delay time compared to PTFE propellant. As the discharging voltage increases from 0V to 1500V, the specific impulse of the AN-based propellant increases from 295.10s to 738.47s, while the PTFE propellant increases from 114.40s to 499.40s. The chemical energy contained in the AN-based propellant improves the impulse bit, but it also increases the mass consumption of the propellant. Nevertheless, AN-based propellant still has the highest specific impulse and better thrust performance compared to PTFE propellant.
Key words:  Plasma thruster  Propellant  Thrust performance  Arc discharge  Laser propulsion