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1.火箭军工程大学 导弹工程学院,陕西 西安 710025;2.中国航天科技集团四院,陕西 西安 710025
关键词:  固体姿轨控发动机  旋转式燃气阀门  高频切换  伺服电机  动态响应
High Frequency Characteristics of Solid Attitude and Orbit Control Rocket Gas Valve
YANG Xiang-ming1, AI Chun-an1, REN Quan-bin2
1.Missile Institute,Rocket Force University of Engineering,Xi’an 710025,China;2.The Fourth Academy of CASC,Xi’an 710025,China
Gas valve technology is one of the core technologies of solid attitude and orbit control system. A high frequency rotating gas valve system driven directly by servo motor is presented. The system has the advantages of rapid dynamic response, simple and reliable structure. The valve clearance is optimized by analyzing the thermal expansion of the valve and simulating the impact of high-pressure air flow, considering the reliability of high-frequency switching of the valve and gas leakage. The influence of valve angle, motor speed-down ratio and valve arrival time on the parametric performance is analyzed. On the premise of ensuring the required torque to switch the valve reliably, reducing motor speed-down ratio can greatly improve the high-frequency response performance of the valve. The increase of valve arrival time with valve angle is lower than the linear increase, so the valve angle can be increased to eliminate the influence of control deviation and assembly deviation. Finally, a single valve prototype was developed for the ground thermal test to verify the reliability of the motor-driven rotary high-frequency working gas valve, the valve switch is normal, the response time is less than 10ms.
Key words:  Solid attitude and orbit control rocket  Rotary gas valve  High frequency switching  Servo motor  Dynamic response