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四川大学 化学工程学院,四川 成都 610065
关键词:  正癸烷  总包机理  绝热火焰温度  点火延迟时间  层流火焰速度  本生灯
A Four-Step Global Kinetic Mechanism for High-Temperature Combustion of n-Decane
GOU Bing-bing, WANG An, WANG Jing-bo, YU Hui
School of Chemical Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China
Combustion numerical simulation is subject to the number of species and reactions in chemical reaction mechanism. In order to reduce the scale of mechanism, a four-step overall kinetic mechanism for the high-temperature combustion of n-decane with modified functions was presented and studied, including eight components (C10H22, O2, C2H4, CO, H2, CO2, H2O, N2). Based on the analysis of macroscopic oxidation reaction paths of alkanes at high temperature, the combustion process is decomposed into three macroscopic processes. Firstly, long chain hydrocarbon is cracked into intermediate hydrocarbons, intermediate hydrocarbons are then oxidized to CO, and finally CO is oxidized to CO2. In these processes, the ignition delay time is mainly controlled by the cracking process, and the oxidation heat release process has an obvious effect on both the laminar flame speed and the ignition delay time. Taking ignition delay time and laminar flame speed as optimization objectives, the initial kinetic data were obtained under specified working conditions through literature comparison and debugging. Based on the simulation data of two n-decane skeleton mechanisms, the pre-exponential factors of the Arrhenius formula for cracking and oxidation processes were modified by binary functions with equivalence ratio and pressure as independent variables. The adiabatic flame temperature, ignition delay time and laminar flame speed were calculated by Chemkin-Pro software under the conditions of temperature (T=1000~2000K), pressure (p=0.1~0.3MPa), equivalence ratio (Φ=0.5~1.5). And the calculated results were in good agreement with the experimental data and the calculation results of the skeleton mechanisms. The numerical simulation of Bunsen burner flame was carried out by this mechanism, and the change of flame temperature and component concentration was obtained in accordance with the experimental results, which verified the feasibility of the application of this global mechanism in combustion simulation. In certain conditions, the global mechanism could predict the main combustion characteristics of n-decane, while greatly reducing the scale of the reaction, which is suitable for engineering applications of n-decane combustion at high-temperature.
Key words:  n-Decane  Global mechanism  Adiabatic flame temperature  Ignition delay time  Laminar flame speed  Bunsen burner