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1.西安现代控制技术研究所,陕西 西安 710065;2.中国兵器工业集团有限公司 现代控制技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710065
关键词:  固体火箭冲压发动机  燃气发生器  控制系统  流量调节  遗传算法  适应度函数
Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm for Gas Flow Regulation
WANG Zhao1,2, TIAN Xiao-tao1,2, HUANG Meng1,2, ZHANG Bo1,2
1.Xi’an Modern Control Technology Research Institute,Xi’an 710065,China;2.Key Laboratory for Modern Control Technology,China North Industries Group Corporation Limited,Xi’an 710065,China
In order to improve the performance of gas flow control system in the ducted rocket, it is necessary to evaluate and consider the important design parameters such as response time, pressure overshoot, and flow negative regulation during the entire control process. Therefore, the improved genetic algorithm was adopted to tune the parameters of the PID controller. On this basis, the pressure control and flow regulation in the gas generator were realized. First, the selection operator was optimized to speed up the convergence process of genetic algorithm. In addition, the expression of fitness function was modified to reduce flow negative regulation and suppress flow oscillation. The simulation results show that for the step pressure command, compared with the original PID controller, the control system based on the improved genetic algorithm can effectively eliminate the pressure overshoot and reduce the flow negative regulation in a shorter response time. For the square wave pressure command, the PID controller tuned by the improved genetic algorithm can dramatically reduce the flow negative regulation after a long working time in gas generator, which significantly improves the performance of the gas flow control system.
Key words:  Solid rocket ramjet engine  Gas generator  Control system  Flow regulation  Genetic algorithm  Fitness function