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北京化工大学 机电工程学院 流体密封技术研究中心,北京 100029
关键词:  柔性丝刷封  多孔介质  油气两相  密封性能  结构优化
Optimization Analysis and Experimental Research on Sealing Performance of Oil-Gas Two-Phase Flexible Bristle Brush Seal
SHA Lian-xiang, LI Shuang-xi, ZHENG Rao, MA Yu-hu, SONG Yu-peng
Fluid Seal Technology Research Center,College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China
To solve the sealing problem of the high-speed bearing cavity under complex conditions, a flexible bristle brush seal was designed, and its sealing performance under oil and gas two-phase media was studied through numerical simulation and experimental verification, and the effects of working conditions and structural parameters on the sealing performance of the flexible bristle brush seals were analyzed. Based on the orthogonal test method, the structural parameters that can improve the sealing performance were optimized. The results show that the flexible bristle brush seals achieved the purpose of depressurization and throttling through the axial section of the brush bristle and realized the oil sealing by the radial section of the brush bristle, and the sealing mechanism for sealing the oil and gas two-phase medium is obtaining. The leakage rate increases with the increase of pressure difference and decreases with the increase of temperature and rotation speed. Under high temperature, high pressure and high rotational speed conditions, the ability of the flexible bristle brush seals to seal the oil decreases. Appropriately increasing the thickness and interference of the bristle pack, reducing bristle diameter, front plate clearance, and back plate clearance could have a positive effect on the sealing performance, obtaining preferred ranges of structural parameters. The sequence of the degree of influence of structural parameters on the sealing performance of the flexible bristle brush seal and the optimal combination of structural parameters are determined.
Key words:  Flexible bristle brush seals  Porous medium  Oil-gas two-phase flow  Sealing performance  Structural optimization