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上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院,上海 201620
关键词:  离子推力器  栅极间距  三维点云  圆孔提取  圆心计算  自动化测量
Grid Gap Measurement Method Based on Three-Dimensional Point Cloud
YANG Yun-jie, FANG Yu, YANG Hao, ZHANG Bo-qiang, HUANG Zi-jian, LI Hao-yu
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering,Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620,China
The grid gap determines the working performance and reliability of the ion thruster. Automatic detection of grid gap is of great significance to improve grid assembly efficiency and quality. In order to solve the problem of automatic detection of grid gap, a three-dimensional point cloud model of double-layer arched grid was established by using line laser scanning technology. The point cloud density operator was used to distinguish the edge points and non-edge points in the point cloud model, and then the edge points were clustered according to the continuity of the data through the DBSCAN algorithm. Aiming at the problems of noise and uneven density distribution in point cloud edge data, a center calculation method of edge data was proposed and whether the shape was a circular hole was judged by the dispersion of the distance from the edge point set to the center. Finally, the distance from the center coordinate to the lower surface of the grid was calculated as the grid gap. The robustness and accuracy of the proposed algorithm were verified by experiments. The results show that the algorithm had good robustness when Gaussian noises with standard deviation of 0.05mm and 0.1mm were added to simulate the environmental interference. Comparing the calculated value of the algorithm with the traditional manual method, the maximum error was 36μm and the average error was 17μm. The research shows that this method is expected to replace manual measurement and realize non-contact and automatic detection.
Key words:  Ion thruster  Grid gap  Three-dimensional point cloud  Circle extraction  Center calculation  Automatic detection