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中国民航大学 航空工程学院,天津 300300
关键词:  航空发动机  健康指数  时间序列  双尺度  相似性  寿命预测
Engine Life Prediction Based on Two-Scale Similarity
ZHAO Hong-li, CHEN Tian-ming
School of Aeronautical Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
Aiming at the problem of low accuracy on portraying similarity and life prediction for moving similarity by using Euclidean distance for different time series similarities, an improved similarity life prediction method based on Manhattan distance and slope was proposed. Firstly, the sensor parameters were screened by three criterion which are the sensor parameters variation range, the value difference of each sensor parameter at engine leaving the factory, and value difference of each sensor parameter at engine removal, and based on a comprehensive analysis on the selected sensor parameters, a one-dimensional health index was set up. Then Manhattan distance and slope were used to combine with the fixed matching and moving matching, and a preliminary life prediction was performed. The moving matching was used to set up the filtering rules and the final results were achieved. Finally, the method was verified by NASA data set, and the results show that the prediction accuracy of this method is 30.35% higher than the current ones, which proves that the proposed method is more accurate on portraying the similarity among different time series.
Key words:  Aeroengine  Health index  Time series  Two-scale  Similarity  Life prediction