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沈阳航空航天大学 航空发动机学院 辽宁省航空推进系统先进测试技术重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110136
关键词:  薄壁连接结构  高温声疲劳  强度分析  寿命预估  试验验证
Acoustic Fatigue Strength Analysis and Experimental Verification of Thin-Walled Connection Structures with Hot Sections under High Temperature Rise Environment
SHA Yun-dong, YANG Yan-ze, TANG Xiao-ning
Key Laboratory of Advanced Measurement and Test Technique for Aviation Propulsion System,Liaoning Province, School of Aero-Engine,Shenyang Aerospace University,Shenyang 110136,China
Aiming at the hot end components of aerospace vehicles, the vibration response and fatigue life prediction of its thin-walled connection structure under high temperature and strong noise environment are studied. By applying the boundary conditions of the root bolt connection to the thin-walled plate made by superalloy GH188, the contact finite element and the coupled finite element and boundary element methods are used to study the vibration response of the thin-walled plate under variable temperature and variable sound pressure level loads. The law of the stress and strain response value change with temperature and sound pressure level is discussed and the rainflow counting method is used to draw the damage matrix, combined with the Miner damage accumulation theory to predict its fatigue life under different thermoacoustic loads. The analysis shows that the response value of the structure generally increases with the rise of temperature and sound pressure level, and the acoustic load has a greater influence on the response value, and the fatigue life is correspondingly reduced. Tests on the predicted response and life results are carried out and the test results confirm the accuracy of the axial stress and life prediction results at the dangerous position of the structure in the simulation calculation. It provides a reasonable method for predicting the fatigue life of thin-walled connecting structures of aerospace vehicles under thermoacoustic loads.
Key words:  Thin-walled connection structure  High temperature acoustic fatigue  Strength analysis  Life expectancy  Test verification