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1.中国空气动力研究与发展中心 空天技术研究所,四川 绵阳 621000;2.中国空气动力研究与发展中心 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室,四川 绵阳 621000
关键词:  可调文氏管  流量控制  标定  不确定度  变马赫数风洞
Flow Control of Throttleable Venturi Nozzle and Its Application in Varying-Mach-Number Wind Tunnel
HU Yue1,2, LI Xiang-dong1,2, KANG Zhong-tao1,2, WANG Zhen-feng1,2, YUAN Lei1,2, CHEN Chen-xi1,2
1.Aerospace Technology Institute,CARDC,Mianyang 621000,China;2.Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,CARDC,Mianyang 621000,China
The throttleable venturi nozzle was designed for the mass flow rate continuous and precise control of varying-Mach-number wind tunnel. The pressure reducer was used for maintaining pressure stable of throttleable venturi nozzle upstream, and the throttle area was adjustable continuously through the movement of plug driven by servo motor. Thus, continuous variations of the flow was realized. The throttle area of throttleable venturi nozzle changes linearly with plug displacement for the profiles of plug and venturi nozzle were designed, for which the precision of flow rate control was improved. The standard venturi tube was used for flow rate calibrating, and it is shown that the discharge coefficient of throttleable venturi nozzle changes slightly with plug position in the range of 0.97~0.99. Throttleable venturi nozzle shows excellent repeatability in flow rate control. The results show that uncertainty of mass flow rate measurement is less than 2%. The throttleable venturi nozzle has been used for the flow rate control in vary-Mach-number wind tunnel, and the continuous variation of the corresponding simulation parameters of Mach 2~4 have been achieved successfully.
Key words:  Throttleable venturi nozzle  Flow rate control  Calibration  Uncertainty  Varying-Mach-number wind tunnel