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中国航空发动机研究院,北京 101304
关键词:  航空发动机  端面密封  石墨  磨损  数值仿真
Prediction for Wear Behavior of Graphite Material in End Face Seal
HU Wen-ying, ZHANG Sheng-guang, LI Wen
Aero Engine Academy of China,Beijing 101304,China
A numerical simulation method was proposed to predict the wear behavior of graphite end face seal materials in aero-engine under both dry-sliding condition and oil lubrication condition. M234-9Cr18Mo and M234AO-9Cr18Mo were selected as the typical experimental materials. The wear model was built based on the Archard model and the influence of material wear on lubrication behavior contact was considered, which was able to quantitatively predict the graphite’s wear behavior under dry and oil lubrication. A semi-analytical numerical simulation method was developed. A series of numerical simulations of wear predictions for different graphite materials were conducted under various working conditions by using the proposed method. The accuracy of wear prediction method was evaluated by the comparison of experimental data and simulation results. The results show that the values of simulated maximal wear depth agree well with the experimental data and the error is less than 10%. The wear behavior of graphite end face seal is influenced by such factors significantly, including material, pv value and lubrication condition. Compared with M234AO-9Cr18Mo, M234-9Cr18Mo has a better anti-wear performance. The sever wear of graphite is observed under high pv value. The oil lubrication is more conductive to lower wear depth of graphite end face seal than the dry-sliding, and the maximal wear depth for oil lubrication reduces approximately 28.5%.
Key words:  Aero-engine  End face seal  Graphite  Wear  Numerical simulation