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1.南京理工大学 瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094;2.南京工业职业技术大学 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210023
关键词:  旋转爆轰  多组分气体  进气压力  当量比  模态转变机理
Numerical Simulation of Rotating Detonation Wave Propagation Characteristics of C2H4 /CH4 /H2 Mixture
WU Min-xuan1, BAI Qiao-dong1, WENG Chun-sheng1, MENG Hao-long1, HAN Jia-xiang1, ZHANG Shi-jian1, WANG Yan-yan2
1.National Key Lab of Transient Physics,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;2.School of Electrical Engineering,Nanjing Vocational University of Industry Technology,Nanjing 210023,China
In order to study the propagation characteristics of rotating detonation of kerosene cracked gas, using C2H4/CH4/H2 mixture as alternative fuel and air as oxidant, a numerical simulation study of the two-dimensional rotating detonation process of the mixture was carried out using a calculation program rhoReactingCentralFoam based on OpenFOAM. The effects of the total inlet pressure, the equivalent ratio and fuel mixing ratio on the propagation characteristics of the rotating detonation wave and the mechanism of the mode transition of the rotating detonation wave during the propagation process are studied. The results show that the detonation wave presents four propagation modes under different calculation conditions: single-wave mode, double-wave collision mode, single/double-wave mixed mode, and three-wave mode. When double waves collide, the detonation wave propagates steadily, and the height of the detonation wave head remains the same. In the three-wave mode, the propagation direction of the rotating detonation wave changes. The essence of the mode transformation of detonation wave is that after increasing the inlet pressure and equivalent ratio, the environmental conditions conducive to chemical reaction are formed on the interface between detonation products and fresh premixed combustible gas, and a new shock wave occurs on the contact surface. High temperature and high pressure shock wave collides with fresh premixed combustible gas, which further increases the chemical reaction rate, and the shock wave obtains enough energy to gradually enhance to detonation wave, which promotes the process of deflagration to detonation.
Key words:  Rotating detonation  Multi-component gas  Inlet pressure  Equivalence ratio  Modal transformation mechanism