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1.北京理工大学 宇航学院,北京 100081;2.北京动力机械研究所 激光推进及其应用国家重点实验室,北京 100074
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  熔渣  铝粒子  碰撞  沉积
Influencing Factors of Collision Behavior Between Aluminum Particles and Wall in High-Temperature Gas
MA Zhi-wei1,2, FENG Ying1, WEI Zhi-jun1, XIE Ding-jiang1, DONG Wei1, WANG Ning-fei1, SHI Bao-lu1
1.School of Astronautics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Laser Propulsion and Application,Beijing Power Machinery Institute, Beijing 100074,China
To investigate the deposition pattern of condensed-phase aluminium inside the engine, a high-temperature methane/oxygen flame was used to simulate the high-temperature environment of a solid rocket motor. Based on the previous study, this work focuses on the effects of wall temperature and material on the deposition probability of condensed-phase aluminium. The experimental results show that the collision velocity, as well as the wall material and temperature, affect the post-collision behaviour and deposition probability of aluminium droplets. The main mechanism of deposition is that the heat transfer of droplets on the wall leads to cooling and solidification of particles, resulting in a strong adhesion force. However, a much low wall temperature leads to rapid cooling of particles and reduces the adhesion force between particles and the wall, thus reducing the deposition probability. The thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of the wall material also have an impact on the deposition probability.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Slag accumulation  Aluminum particles  Collision  Deposition