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1.太原理工大学 航空航天学院,山西 太原 030000;2.上海宇航系统工程研究所,上海 201109
为了探究跨临界液膜冷却的耦合传热特性,采用带真实气体状态方程的非绝热扩散火焰面模型,并考虑再生冷却耦合传热,对液氧/甲烷液体火箭发动机推力室跨临界液膜冷却进行数值研究。分析液膜流量和冷却环带的分布对推进剂的掺混和燃烧、壁面热流分布、冷却效率的影响。结果表明,头部注入的膜冷却剂会在主流剪切力作用下在回流区逆时针流动,而推力室下游区域注入的冷却剂进入燃烧室之后,会沿着推力室壁面沿着下游流动形成低温保护膜;头部注入的膜冷却存在一个最佳冷却剂流量,而对于推力室下游的膜冷却,冷却剂流量越大,喷管区域壁面冷却效率越高;Case 6这种采用相隔较近的双排冷却环带布置方式的推力室壁面温度不均匀程度最低,平均冷却效率最高,而且在膜冷却流量越大时,冷却效率比其他工况增高得更加明显。
关键词:  液膜冷却  液氧/甲烷发动机  推力室  耦合传热  冷却效率
Numerical Simulation of Transcritical Liquid Film Cooling in LOX/Methane Liquid Rocket Engine Thrust Chambers
XIANG Ji-xin1, ZHANG Meng2, LI Zhi-qiang1, LIU Peng1, WANG Han1, CUI Fu-jiang1
1.College of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030000,China;2.Shanghai Aerospace System Engineering Institute,Shanghai 201109,China
In order to research the coupled heat transfer characteristics of transcritical liquid film cooling, the non-adiabatic diffusion flamelet model with real gas equation of state, based on the coupled heat transfer of regenerative cooling, was adopted to simulate the transcritical liquid film cooling in oxygen/methane liquid rocket engine thrust chambers. It was also analysed that what influence the liquid film flow rate and the distribution of the cooling array arrangements have on the mixing and combustion of the propellant, the wall heat flow distribution, and the cooling efficiency. The results show that with the mainstream shear force, the film coolant injected into the head region flows counter clockwise in the recirculation zone, while the film coolant injected into the downstream region of the thrust chamber, after entering into the combustion chamber, flows along the wall downstream to form a low-temperature protective film. There is optimal coolant flow rate for the liquid film injected into the head region. For the film coolant downstream of the thrust chamber, the larger the coolant flow rate, the higher the cooling efficiency of nozzle. Case 6 with two- row cooling ring closely spaced has the lowest variance in the wall temperature of the chamber and the highest average cooling efficiency, and when the film cooling flow rate is larger, the cooling efficiency increases more obviously than others.
Key words:  Liquid film cooling  LOX/CH4 engine  Thrust chamber  Coupled heat transfer  Cooling efficiency