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厦门大学 航空航天学院,福建 厦门 361102
关键词:  旋转爆震燃烧室  理论分析  数值模拟  压力增益  推力
Pressurization Characteristics and Flow Field Analysis of Methane/Oxygen Rotating Detonation Combustor at High Temperature and High Pressure Inlets
SUN Zhi-peng, HUANG Yue, LUAN Zhen-ye, GAO Si-jia, YOU Yan-cheng
School of Aerospace Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361102,China
In order to establish an analysis model of rotating detonation pressurization ratio and engine performance, and analyze the pressurization ratio and propulsion performance of rotating detonation combustor under different flow conditions ,the flow characteristics of a rotating detonation combustor under different incoming flow conditions were simulated by using the Navier-Stokes equation of two-dimensional viscous unsteady reaction, and the stable propagation and pressurization characteristics of detonation wave under high incoming flow temperature and pressure were obtained.Theoretical analysis shows that the pressurization ratio of the combustor is determined by the total inlet temperature, the temperature rise of the combustor and the absolute Mach number of the wavefront reactants. When the inlet pressure is given, the unit thrust is also determined by these three parameters. Numerical simulation verifies the pressurization characteristics obtained from theoretical analysis, and obtains the detailed flow field structure of initiation and stable propagation of rotating detonation wave under high temperature and high pressure flow conditions. When the injection pressure is constant, the absolute Mach number in front of detonation wave decreases slowly with little change as the total inlet temperature rises, and the total outlet temperature of combustion chamber is almost constant, that is, the pressurization ratio and thrust performance of combustion chamber are mainly affected by the total inlet temperature. When the total inlet temperature increases, the fuel mass flow decreases gradually, the detonation wave intensity decreases significantly, and the pressurization ratio and unit thrust decrease logarithmically.
Key words:  Rotating detonation combustor  Theoretical analysis  Numerical simulation  Pressure gain  Thrust