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1.西安航天动力研究所 液体火箭发动机技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710100;2.陕西省等离子体物理与技术应用重点实验室,陕西 西安 710100;3.航天推进技术研究院,陕西 西安 710100
关键词:  液体火箭发动机  等离子体  点火器  背压  发射光谱  液体推进剂
Experiment Researches of High Back Pressure Plasma Ignitor and Liquid Fuel Ignition Characteristics
CAO Ya-wen1,2, LI Bin1,3, WANG Fei1,2, LIN Rong1,2, HAN Xian-wei1,2, TAN Chang1,2
1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi’an 710100,China;2.Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Applied Technology,Xi’an 710100,China;3.Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology,Xi’an 710100,China
Combustion chamber of cryogenic liquid rocket engine and air heater has characteristics of high pressure, heavy flow of cryogenic fuels and demands repeated starts, for which the safety and reliable ignition is difficult. A high back pressure plasma ignitor meeting with these requirements was designed and studied. The voltage-current characteristics of Ar and N2 working at high inlet pressures were studied by experiments and results showed that N2 worked well within a wide pressure range. Emission spectrum diagnose showed that the electron density of Ar,N2 plasma jets reached the local thermodynamic equilibrium(LTE) criterion and showed concentrated ignition power under inlet pressures of several MPa. The average temperature of N2 plasma was lower than that of Ar, while just the reverse at the anode outlet. N2 plasma jet lasted longer in atmosphere, sucking and mixing the air, which resulted in the temperature drop but would accelerate the evaporation, mixture and ignition of cryogenic liquid fuels. The plasma caused the formation of active particles like ozone and oxynitride, which would also promote the ignition and chemical reactions. Higher back pressure caused higher output voltage, and raising inlet pressure and current helped to stabilize the output voltage under high back pressure. Ignition experiments in the combustion chamber of combustion-type air heater showed that N2 plasma could ignite the alcohol-air and alcohol-LOX-air within a short period when placed in the center of the injection surface. The ignitor worked stably even the back pressure reached 5MPa, and repeated operations caused slightly electrode erosion, showing prospects in reliable and repeated ignition of liquid rocket engine.
Key words:  Liquid rocket engine  Plasma  Ignitor  Back pressure  Emission spectrum  Liquid propellant