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1.西安航天动力研究所 液体火箭发动机技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710100;2.航天推进技术研究院,陕西 西安 710100
关键词:  大直径燃烧室  液氧煤油发动机  收敛段  声学特性  隔板型式
DOI:10.13675/j.cnki. tjjs. 200407
Effects of Structural Parameters and Baffle Patterns on Acoustic Characteristics of Combustion Chamber for Large Diameter LOX/Kerosene Engine
CAO Chen1,TAN Yong-hua2,CHEN Jian-hua1,LI Long-fei1
1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi’an 710100,China;2.Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology,Xi’an 710100,China
Due to the increase of orbit height and load quality of launch mission, the engine’s thrust and diameter of combustion chamber increased, which makes its acoustic oscillation modes more and more complicated. Convergent section of combustion chamber, anti-pulsating baffle and its structural patterns could not only significantly affect the chamber’s acoustic characteristics, but also indirectly impact the combustion instability margin. In order to study the effects of structural parameters and baffle patterns on acoustic characteristics, a finite element simulation model of the combustion chamber is established. Firstly, the accuracy of the finite element model is verified by a single nozzle acoustic experiment. On this basis, the influence rules of convergent section of combustion chamber and one hub and six radial baffle are analyzed. The design rationality of baffle patterns for RD-170 and F-1 engine is emphatically investigated in terms of sound pressure distribution. The results show the frequency of 1L and 1T1L mode increases by 14% and 17% , respectively, when convergent section of combustion chamber is considered. For RD-170 engine, the hub baffle locates at the position of 2R mode acoustic velocity anti-node. For F-1 engine, the 13-compartment baffle could not only reduce the radius of 2R mode acoustic velocity anti-node, but also minimize the area of pressure amplitude in tangential modes. The trend of radial vibration mode changing to tangential vibration mode is observed in F-1 engine’s combustion chamber with double cross baffle.
Key words:  Large diameter combustion chamber  LOX/kerosene rocket engine  Convergent section  Acoustic characteristics  Baffle pattern