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程 川,王成鹏,程克明,薛龙生
(南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,江苏 南京 210016)
关键词:  斜激波串  斜楔  压力扰动  受迫振荡  顺压梯度
Experimental Study of Forced Oblique Shock Train Oscillation
CHENG Chuan,WANG Cheng-peng,CHENG Ke-ming,XUE Long-sheng
(College of Aerospace Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
To study the response of an oblique shock train and upstream shocks interaction to downstream periodic pressure perturbations, a ramp with equal width was installed inside a Ma=2.7 straight duct, and the experiments were conducted with high frequency pressure measurements, high-speed Schlieren visualizations and particle image velocimetry (PIV) testing. The shock train was forced to oscillate by a rotating elliptical shaft which produced nearly sinusoidal periodic pressure perturbation and located in the middle of the downstream channel section. The results show that the ramp generates a complex background flow field inside the duct, which includes an incident shock, separation shock, expansion wave, reattached shock, shock induced separation, and flow region with favorable and adverse pressure gradients. The downstream sinusoidal pressure perturbations propagate upstream to the oblique shock train through the subsonic mixed region and cause the oblique shock train to oscillate at the same frequency with downstream pressure perturbations. The amplitude of shock oscillation was negative correlated with frequency in the uniform ducted flow. During the uniform ducted flow, the amplitude of forced oblique shock train oscillation was decreased with the increasing frequency. While in the ducted flow with a ramp, the amplitude of forced shock train oscillation was decreased rapidly and was almost the same with the increasing frequency. As shown in case of [fs]=21Hz, the amplitude of forced shock train oscillation was only 22% of that in the uniform ducted flow.
Key words:  Oblique shock train  Ramp  Pressure perturbation  Forced oscillation  Favorable pressure gradient