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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  进气道/发动机匹配  畸变模拟器  数值模拟  复合畸变  动态畸变  试验测量
Numerical Simulation and Test Measurement Study on a New Dynamic Distortion Generator
WANG Yan-song, HUANG Guo-ping, LIU Ze-peng
College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
In order to more accurately simulate the aircraft intake outlet distortion and better evaluate the inlet/engine matching performance, a new dynamic distortion generator was designed, which mainly used the column to generate the flow direction vortex, forming the combined distortion of total pressure and swirl, and used the external jet to form the dynamic distortion.Numerical simulation results show that under the condition of no jet flow, the downstream of the generator can produce a combined distorted flow field of total pressure and swirl, and the distortion has a certain degree of pulsation. Under the steady jet, the distortion amplitude of the time averaged flow field increases, but the degree of distortion pulsation decreases, and the flow field is close to steady state. After the unsteady jet is given, the degree of distortion pulsation is significantly enhanced, and the total pressure and swirl distortion index fluctuate violently. The standard deviation of distortion index for total pressure and swirl reaches 0.089 and 0.077. Test measurement results show that with inlet Mach number increases, turbulence intensity accounts for 41%~56% under unsteady jet condition and the multiple distortion index is above 10%, which meets the requirements of the inlet distortion for inlet/engine matching test in practical engineering.
Key words:  Inlet/engine matching  Distortion generator  Numerical simulation  Complex distortion  Dynamic distortion  Test measurement