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1.北京化工大学 机电工程学院,北京 100029;2.北京化工大学 发动机健康监控及网络化教育部重点实验室,北京 100029;3.北京强度环境研究所,北京 100076
关键词:  旋转轮盘  振动模态  行波共振  非接触激励  试验验证
Non-Contact Excitation Method of Traveling Wave Resonance and Experimental Verification of Disk Structure
ZUO Yan-fei1,2, LI Jin1,2, LIANG Ji-peng3, WANG Peng-hui3, HONG Liang-you3
1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China;2.Key Lab of Engine Health Monitoring-Control and Networking of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China;3.Beijing Intensity and Environment Institute,Beijing 100076,China
In order to study the traveling wave resonance conditions of disk structure under stationary and rotating conditions, taking a typical rotating disk as the research object, the non-contact excitation method of traveling wave resonance based on the traveling wave resonance theory and eddy current excitation for disk structure was proposed. The simulation analysis and experimental verification were carried out by taking the second node-diameter traveling wave resonance excitation under two-point excitation of the rotating speed at 0 and 1500r/min as an example. Compared with the numerical results, the maximum error of the resonant frequency of the forward and backward traveling wave of the second node-diameter measured by the experiment is 5.1%, and the maximum error of phase difference is about 12°. The results show that for a single natural frequency and mode shape, when the excitation force frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the system, moreover, the excitation force vector is parallel to the mode shape vector, the maximum pure traveling wave resonance can be excited. For mode shapes with repeated frequencies, when the excitation force frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the system, moreover, the excitation force vector is parallel to the desired mode shape vector and orthogonal to other mode shape vectors, the maximum pure traveling wave resonance can be excited.
Key words:  Rotating disk  Vibration mode  Traveling wave resonance  Non-contact excitation  Experimental verification