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1.中国民航大学 航空工程学院,天津 300300;2.北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191
为了研究颗粒物在高压涡轮导向叶片的沉积特性,针对颗粒在沉积壁面与未沉积壁面上的粘附与剥离建立了对应的模型,在对应的环境下利用Fluent的User defined function(UDF)功能以及网格重构技术,对颗粒的沉积过程进行了数值模拟,并针对沉积表面颗粒物的稀疏程度以及沉积表面的颗粒半径对沉积特性的影响进行了研究。结果表明:颗粒物的沉积以及小颗粒的陷入现象多发生于涡轮叶片压力面前缘处;同一工况下,颗粒与沉积壁面接触方式、沉积表面颗粒间距w以及沉积表面颗粒半径Rm对沉积分布的影响较小;随着w的增大,沉积厚度降低,剥离数量减少,颗粒陷入沉积壁面的数量增加;表面颗粒半径的增大对沉积的影响与w的变化有着同样的趋势,当沉积表面颗粒半径过大,沉积量则会骤降。
关键词:  涡轮叶片  颗粒沉积  沉积模型  沉积表面  气-固两相流
Numerical Simulation of Particle Deposition Characteristics of High Pressure Turbine Blades
YANG Xiao-jun1, LIU Wen-bo1, HU Ying-qi2, LIU Xiao-han1
1.School of Aeronautical Engineering,Civil Avation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China;2.School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China
In order to study the deposition characteristics of particles on the high-pressure turbine guide vanes, a corresponding model is established for the adhesion and detachment of particles on the deposited and undeposited walls, and the deposition process of particles is simulated numerically in the corresponding environment by using Fluent’s user defined function (UDF) and mesh reconstruction technology. The effects of the sparseness of the particles on the deposition surface and the particle radius of the deposition surface on the deposition characteristics are investigated. The results show that the deposition of particles and the entrapment of small particles occur mostly at the leading edge of the turbine blade pressure surface.Under the same working condition, the contact mode between particles and the deposition wall, the particle spacing w and the radius Rm of particle on the deposition surface have less influence on the deposition distribution.With the increase of w, the deposition thickness decreases, the number of detachment particle decreases, and the number of particles caught in the deposition wall increases.The effects of increasing the radius of curvature of the surface on deposition have the same trend as the change of w. When the particle radius of the deposition wall is too large, the deposition volume will drop abruptly.
Key words:  Turbine blade  Particle deposition  Deposition model  Deposited surface  Gas-solid two-phase flow