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西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129
关键词:  塞式喷管  雷达散射截面积  吸波材料  阻抗边界条件  迭代物理光学法
Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Binary Plug Nozzle with Coating Medium at Different Part
SONG Yu, YANG Qing-zhen, GAO Xiang, SHI Yong-qiang, HE Yu-bo
School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China
To research the reduction effect of radar absorbing materials on the radar cross section(RCS) of binary plug nozzles, the iterative physical optics (IPO) method with impedance boundary conditions was used to simulate the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of binary plug nozzles with uncoated and seven different media coating solutions. The main contribution source of electromagnetic scattering of binary plug nozzles is pointed out. The results show that: coating the center cone and the mixer with the absorbing material has limited effect on the RCS reduction of the plug nozzle. The mean value of the RCS of the combined coating of “center cone-plug” and “mixer-plug” is similar to the single coating of the plug cone. The full-coated model has the lowest average RCS. The plug and the outlet wall are the main sources of electromagnetic scattering for the binary plug nozzle. Taking the horizontal and vertical polarization of the yaw detection plane as an example, the “plug and the outlet” combined wall coating model can achieve 73% and 87% RCS reduction effects of the full coating.
Key words:  Plug nozzle  Radar cross section  Absorbing material  Impedance boundary condition  Iterative physics optics method