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1.中国空气动力研究与发展中心 空气动力学国家重点实验室,四川 绵阳 621000;2.中国空气动力研究与发展中心 设备设计与测试技术研究所,四川 绵阳 621000;3.中国空气动力研究与发展中心 超高速空气动力研究所 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室, 四川 绵阳 621000
关键词:  超燃冲压发动机  燃烧室出口  温度场分布  CARS  瞬态燃烧流场
Outlet Temperature Measurements of Scramjet Combustor Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering
YANG Wen-bin1,2, QI Xin-hua1,2, LI Meng1,2, YE Jia-wei1,2, ZHOU Jiang-ning1,2, CHEN Shuang1,2, MU Jin-he1,2, YANG Shun-hua3, ZHANG Shun-ping3
1.State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics,China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China;2.Facility Design and Instrumentation Institute,China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China;3.Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,Hypervelocity Aerodynamics Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China
For outlet temperature distribution measurement requirement of combustor and overcoming difficulties of engine ground test in scramjet, an USED-CARS system and a CARS spectra calculating program CARSCF has been developed for instantaneous temperature measurement. The USED phase matching method has been used to reduce turbulence effects. Multi-scale wavelet analysis has been used to reduce noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The CARS measurement of scramjet combustor outlet temperature distribution with Mach 2.6 was performed at a pulse combustion facility. Temperatures of supersonic cold air flow, high temperature air and supersonic combustion were measured, and outlet temperature distributions of combustor were obtained. The results show that temperature of supersonic flow was 205K at cold air state, then raised to 853K after the air heating process by H2 combustion. With the kerosene/air igniting, temperature increased sharply to 1970K with a fluctuation (i.e. standard deviation) of 144K at stable combustion state. The high temperature areas of combustor outlet were on the upper side of combustor, while temperature of center area was lower than the upper and lower sides. The CARS measured outlet temperature distribution data from combustor are consistent with results measured by flame chemiluminescence, indicating the practicability of single pulse CARS for instantaneous temperature measurement in practical scramjet combustion flow.
Key words:  Scramjet  Exit of combustor  Temperature distribution  Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering  Transient combustion flow