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国防科技大学 空天科学学院,湖南 长沙 410073
Time-Sequence Experiment Design for Pintle Motion Scheme of Solid Divert and Attitude Control System
WEN Qian, YANG Jia-wei, WU Ze-ping, YANG Xi-xiang, PENG Bo, ZHANG Wei-hua
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China
The thrust vector is controlled by the servo mechanism of the Solid Divert and Attitude Control System (SDACS) adjusting the pintle displacements. To control the thrust precisely, a mathematical model of the thrust vector with respect to the pintle displacements must be constructed, which are always implemented by fitting a large amount of test data. A time-sequence experimental design method is proposed for the pintle motion of the pintle-controlled SDACS to reach the maximum coverage of the combination of gas generator theoretical pressure and pintle displacements in specific tests. The proposed method could provide excellent training samples for accurate prediction of the thrust with respect to the pintle motion with a low test cost. A four-valve solid orbit control motor is considered to solve the pressure of gas generator based on non-dimensional internal ballistics simulation. The Φp criterion is used to evaluate the ergodicity of the pintle displacements combination, and the Φp value is optimized to gain a reasonable pintle motion scheme. The results prove that the experimental design scheme almost covers combined states as many as possible in the entire period of motion and the Φp value is 40% higher than the value before experiment design, which verify the excellent performance of the method in this paper in the time-sequence engineering problems. The test data utilization efficiency could be improved effectively by the experimental design method.
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