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1.北京控制工程研究所,北京 100094;2.北京市高效能及绿色宇航推进工程技术研究中心,北京 100094
关键词:  推进系统  不平衡分布  温度控制  裕度  闭环
Homogeneity of Thermal Control Method for Satellite Propulsion System
JI Jia-long1,2, DING Feng-lin1,2, GAO Yong1,2, LIU Guo-xi1,2
1.Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100094,China;2.Beijing Engineering Research Center of Efficient and Green Aerospace Propulsion Technology,Beijing 100094,China
The thermal control of propulsion system should be carried out in the satellite, and especially the temperature of tanks and pipes should be controlled at a logical range.Based on the development instances of the micro-satellites that the thermal control resource is limited, and that the conventional thermal control method leads the propulsion system’s unbalanced temperature distribution, an optimized thermal control method for propulsion system is proposed for the different temperature environment. In this method, the minimun test value is considered in the conventional thermal control method and the maximun value is also considered, and the condition of heat loop is regarded according to the relationship between the minimun value, maximun value and the control range. This method is applied during the thermal balance testing of satellite, and the results show the feasibility and rationality of this method considering the lower limit and upper limit at the same time. Also, the temperature parameters of on-orbit validation show an evener distribution by this research, which guarantees the upper limit interspace of temperature control range.
Key words:  Propulsion system  Unbalance distribution  Thermal control  Margin  Closed loop