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国防科技大学 空天科学学院 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
关键词:  针栓喷注器  径向孔形状  喷雾特性  喷雾锥角  索太尔平均直径
Experimental Research on Effects of Shape of Radial Orifice on Spray Characteristics of Pintle Injector
CHEN Hui-yuan, LI Qing-lian, CHENG Peng, ZHANG Bin
Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China
The radial flow channel of the pintle injector is normally designed as discrete orifices, and the orifice pattern has important impacts on its spray characteristics, including the spatial distribution and atomization performance. Under the constant total flow area and blockage factor (BF), four pintle injectors were designed and studied by cold flow test to investigate the effects of geometric shape and height-to-width ratio of radial orifice on the spray pattern, spray cone angle, spray density distribution as well as atomization performance. High-speed photography was used to visualize the spray development and Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) was used to measure the spray distribution and analyse the SMD distribution in the spray field. The results indicate that the spray range of the pintle injector with circular orifices is relatively larger than that with rectangular orifices, and the spray angle decreases with the increasing height-to-width ratio. The effect of orifice shape is attributed to the local interaction of film and jet. The change of orifice shape also has influence on the spray density distribution. With the increase of height-to-width ratio and orifice number, the interaction of neighbouring spray element is strengthened, which lead to the shrinking of the hollow region in the upflow of the spray. As for the atomization performance, the change of geometric shape has little effect on the SMD distribution, but the increase in height-to-width ratio brings more uniform SMD distribution in the spray field, which is beneficial to the atomization process.
Key words:  Pintle injector  Shape of radial orifice  Spray characteristics  Spray cone angle  SMD