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西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院 动力工程多相流国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
关键词:  双毛细管法  气态黏度  二次流效应  测量精度  再生冷却
Viscosity Measurements for Gaseous Cyclohexane at High Temperature by Two-Capillary Method
CHEN Qiang, LIU Zhao-hui, BI Qin-cheng, CHENG Xiang, FENG Song
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering,School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China
In order to develop the application of two-capillary method on the viscosity measurement of gas hydrocarbon fuel at high temperature, the viscosities of gas cyclohexane were measured by the two-capillary viscometer at high temperature and subcritical conditions. The temperature ranged from 301.9K to 567.1K (about 10K intervals) and pressure ranged from 0.5MPa to 4.0MPa (1.0MPa intervals). Considering the secondary flow of fluid in the coils, the viscosity measurement results were modified by centrifugal correction coefficient as a function of Reynolds number (Re) or Dean number (De), and the Reynolds numbers (Re) of the gas cyclohexane were below 1984.5 in the measurements. The research indicated that the secondary flow effect in the coils differs significantly between the viscosity measurement of liquid and gas cyclohexane by two-capillary method. The centrifugal correction coefficients for viscosity measurements of liquid cyclohexane was less than 4.32%, for viscosity measurements of gas cyclohexane was up to 49%.Therefore, the second flow effect that results from centrifugal force is the most important factor affecting the measurement accuracy of the viscosity of gas cyclohexane, and the accuracy of the centrifugal correction function plays an important role on determining the uncertainties of measurement results of viscosity of gas cyclohexane.
Key words:  Two-capillary method  Vapour-phase viscosity  Secondary flow effects  Measurement precision  Regenerative cooling