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西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129
关键词:  脉冲爆震涡轮发动机  非定常轴向载荷  双半内圈球轴承  损伤力学理论  疲劳寿命
Effects of Pulse Detonation Axial Load on Fatigue Life of Split Inner Ring Ball Bearing
LI Sheng-yuan, ZHENG Long-xi
School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China
To solve the problem that periodic and strong unsteady axial load in pulse detonation turbine engine (PDTE) may reduce the reliability of the ball bearing, a fatigue life prediction model for a split inner ring ball bearing was established by using damage mechanics theory and finite element method. The fatigue life of the split inner ring ball bearing under the periodic and strong unsteady axial load introduced by pulse detonation combustor (PDC) was studied. The results show that two half inner rings initiate cracks at the position of the maximum shear stress on the subsurface of the contact zone and then the cracks gradually spread to the surface, which leads to the fatigue failure of the bearing. In the PDC detonation process, the fatigue life of the first half inner ring is higher because the shear stress range that causes fatigue damage is smaller. In the fill and purge process, the fatigue life of the second half inner ring is lower due to the contact friction effect and larger shear stress range caused by the balls roll through the second half inner ring. After the reasonable design of the peak value of axial load introduced in the detonation process of PDC, the fatigue life of the split inner ring ball bearing in PDTE is mainly determined by the contact state of the second half inner ring and the lubrication condition of the bearing.
Key words:  Pulse detonation turbine engine  Unsteady axial load  Split inner ring ball bearing  Damage mechanics theory  Fatigue life