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1.海军工程大学 动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430000;2.中国人民解放军驻芜湖军代室,安徽 芜湖 241000
关键词:  遗传算法  冷却系统  船用柴油机  耗油率  有效功率
Multi-Objective Optimization of Marine Diesel Engine Cooling System Based on DOE-GA
ZHANG Bo1, ZHANG Ping1, GUO Xu2, ZENG Fan-ming1
1.College of Power Engineering,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430000,China;2.Navy Representative Office of PLA in Wuhu,Wuhu 241000,China
In order to obtain the best operation parameters of the cooling system of a marine diesel engine, achieving the goal of improving the power and economy under the premise of reliable operation of diesel engine, diesel engine working process-combustion chamber-cooling system coupling simulation model was established, and DOE-GA optimization algorithm was proposed which had the advantages of saving test costs and multi-objective global optimization. Six typical propulsion conditions were selected for research, DOE-GA optimization algorithm was used to carry out multi-objective optimization design on the operating parameters of the cooling system. The optimal design took the speed of sea and fresh water pumps as variable factors, and the promotion of dynamic and economic parameters as optimization goal, with turbine inlet exhaust temperature, fresh water outlet temperature, and peak cylinder pressure as constraints. After optimization, at the low load point, the fresh water and sea water pumps saved power consumption by 79.4% and 71.73%, torque increased by 7.2%, effective power increased by 7.6%, thermal efficiency increased by 8%, fuel consumption rate decreased by 6.73%, and friction work decreased by 9.71%, peak cylinder pressure decreased by 5%. The research results show that the coupled simulation model is closer to the real machine. The DOE-GA has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, and high accuracy in solving multi-objective optimization problems of strongly coupled nonlinear systems.
Key words:  Genetic algorithms  Cooling system  Marine diesel engine  Fuel consumption rate  Effective power