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徐 亮1,王 平2,余 倩1,侯天增1,王海连3,陈明敏3,何 磊3
(1. 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013;2. 江苏大学 能源研究院,江苏 镇江 212013;3. 上海电气燃气轮机有限公司,上海 201199)
关键词:  大涡模拟  反应扩散流形  动态火焰增厚模型  贫燃预混旋转火焰  燃气轮机燃烧室
A Sub-Grid Scale Combustion Model Based on DTFand REDIM Method and Its Validation
XU Liang1,WANG Ping2,YU Qian1,HOU Tian-zeng1,WANG Hai-lian3,CHEN Ming-min3,HE Lei3
(1. School of Energy and Power Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;2. Institute for Energy Research,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;3. Shanghai Electric Power Generation Group,Shanghai 201199,China)
The reaction-diffusion manifold (REDIM) technique is utilized in combination with the dynamically thickened-flame (DTF) model, which forms a new turbulent premixed combustion model. Then the new model was used to calculate two lean premixed swirling flames in PRECCINSTA combustor via large eddy simulation, with equivalence ratios 0.75 and 0.83, respectively. The radial profiles of velocity, temperature and CO2 mass fraction were analyzed and compared with the results from original DTF model and the experimental data. The results are in good overall agreement with the corresponding experiment. Since less species transport equations are solved in REDIM-DTF model, the computational efficiency of it is about 15% higher than the original DTF model. In theory, the new model can also be applied to simulate partially premixed flames, as long as an appropriate REDIM chemistry look-up table is used, e.g. two-dimensional REDIM table.
Key words:  Large eddy simulation  Reaction-diffusion manifold  Dynamically thickened-flame model  Lean premixed swirling flame  Gas turbine combustion chamber