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崔 凯,孙强强,刘 辉,于达仁
(哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001)
关键词:  会切场推力器  无拖曳控制  推力分辨率及响应时间  传感器测量误差
Drag-Free Control System Modeling Based on Cusped Field Thruster
CUI Kai,SUN Qiang-qiang,LIU Hui,YU Da-ren
(School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
In order to study the modeling method of drag-free control system of spacecraft and assess the effects of cusped field thruster performance and sensor measurement errors on control system performance, a drag-free control system is designed based on orbit dynamic theory, atmospheric drag model, PID control method and the experimental data of the cusped field thruster. Furthermore, the effects of thrust resolution, transient response time of thruster and sensor measurement errors on closed loop system are analyzed. The simulation results show that the control system has good performance and thrust resolution and sensor errors have slight influence on the overall system. But thruster response delay has a greater impact on control system precision, which needs further optimization in later studies. Considering the above factors, the maximum displacement error of closed loop system in the spacecraft velocity direction is 747.51nm, the maximum velocity error is 733.36nm/s. The simulation results show the application feasibility of cusp field thruster in drag-free missions.
Key words:  Cusped field thruster  Drag-free control  Thrust resolution and response time  Sensor measurement errors