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(上海航天动力技术研究所,浙江 湖州 313000)
关键词:  钝感高能推进剂  高温力学性能  交联分子量  界面粘接  键合剂
Study on Adjustment Technology for High Temperature Mechanical Properties of PBT Insensitive High Energy Propellant
SHEN Ye-wei,ZHANG Yu-cheng,TONG Li-lun
(Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute,Huzhou 313000,China)
For PBT insensitive high energy propellant, factors that influence high temperature mechanical properties of the propellant were analyzed. The effects of particle size and content of neutral polymeric bonding agent as well as molecular weight between crosslinking points in the curing network on the high temperature properties were studied. The performance of the propellant using multi-bonding technology (neutral polymeric bonding agent+ alcohol amine bonding agent) in three different burning rate formulations (high burning rate, medium burning rate, low burning rate) were further investigated. The results showed that: (1)Alcohol amine binding agent is lack of effective chemical bonding to the surface of HMX particles, HMX can be partially dissolved in a polar plasticizer A3 to form a soft interface layer, these two points make the surface of HMX easily “dewetting” during the stretching processes, affecting its high temperature mechanical properties. (2)The curing network was optimized by adjusting the curing parameters, the amount of crosslinker and the molecular weight between crosslinking points. With the combination of the multi-bonding technology, the PBT insensitive high energy propellant with excellent mechanical properties at high temperature, low temperature and room temperature were obtained. When the amount of NPBA is 0.08%~0.10% and [Mc] reaches 8000~10000, the high temperature tensile strength of the propellant is more than 550kPa, the elongation is over 40%.
Key words:  Insensitive high energy propellant  High temperature mechanical properties  Molecular weight between crosslinking points  Interface bonding  Agent