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(国防科学技术大学 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073)
关键词:  超声速燃烧  反压  分离区  激波边界层干扰  解耦分析
Decoupling Analysis on Oscillation of Separated Region in a Supersonic Combustor with Single-Side Expansion
GAO Tian-yun,LIANG Jian-han,SUN Ming-bo
(Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China)
For the purpose of uncovering the key physics of unsteady phenomena in supersonic combustion, a decoupling analysis is implemented to study the unsteady combustion induced by separation in a single-expanded supersonic combustor. The control variate method is applied to discover the key impact factor of the unsteady combustion under Mach 6 flight condition (isolator entrance Mach number of 3.46, and air stagnation temperature of 1430K). Experiments have been implemented on a direct connect facility to verify the main viewpoints of typical operating conditions. The systematic researches indicate that flame does not have much impact on the unsteady behaviors of combustion, and the backpressure induced by heat release is what really matters. The jet together with cavity account for the periodic oscillation at low equivalence ratio (the backpressure is relatively low), and the frequency of static pressure oscillation is about 200Hz. The backpressure (high enough) caused by heat release results in the complicated dynamic combustion under higher equivalence ratios. During the dynamic process, the shock train travels along the length of the combustor with high amplitude, and the asymmetric separated region switches intermittently between both sides of walls. The oscillation induced by backpressure is broadband, and the main component of oscillation is low frequency (100~500Hz). The low frequency unsteady process may be related to the low frequency unsteadiness in shockwave/boundary layer interaction (SWBLI). Such an unsteadiness is amplified by the large separated region and promoted by the backpressure from downstream, which forms a complex unsteady process.
Key words:  Supersonic combustion  Backpressure  Separated region  Shockwave/boundary layer interaction  Decoupling analysis