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考虑榫槽/榫齿配合间隙的叶盘结构疲劳寿命稳健性优化研究 *
陈志英,王 朝,周 平
(北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191)
关键词:  叶盘结构  配合间隙  疲劳寿命  多目标规划  稳健性优化
Research on Robust Optimization of Fatigue Life for Blade-Disk Considering Contact Gap between Tenon and Mortise
CHEN Zhi-ying,WANG Chao,ZHOU Ping
(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
In order to satisfy with the practical requirement of tenon and mortise in design, manufacture and process, improve the dispersity of fatigue life for blade-disk at the same time, stress and strain in different contact gaps were calculated through finite element method, and variation regularity of LCF life with contact gaps was analyzed and revealed simultaneously. Approximate function relationbetween LCF life of blade-disk and random parameter was established by using quadratic polynomial Response Surface Method (RSM) considering the uncertainty of loads, material parameters and contact gaps, multi-objective robust optimization model for LCF life of blade-disk was set up by adopting multi-objective programming ideal point method. Results show that mean value of LCF life for blade and disk increased by 3.24% and 1.93%, respectively, probability interval of LCF life for blade and disk is decreased by 10.13% and 8.16%, respectively, meanwhile, the sensitivity of LCF life for blade-disk to random parameter is reduced, which has a certain significance to evaluate LCF life more accurately.
Key words:  Blade-disk  Contact gap  Fatigue life  Multi-objective programming  Robust optimization