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几何矢量角对球面收敛矢量喷管RCS的影响研究 *
郭 霄,杨青真,施永强,杨皓琦
(西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072)
关键词:  球面收敛矢量喷管  矢量角  迭代物理光学  雷达散射截面积
Effects of Vector Angle on RCS of Spherical Convergent Flap Nozzle
GUO Xiao,YANG Qing-zhen,SHI Yong-qiang,YANG Hao-qi
(School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China)
The radar cross section (RCS) of spherical convergent flap nozzles (SCFN) with different vector angles of pitch and yaw plane were obtained by using the numerical simulation method-iteration physical optical(IPO) to study the effects of vector angle on the backward scattering characteristics. It’s calculated that the vector angle of pitch can reduce the RCS of SCFN in the both detecting plane by above 20 percent. The vector angle of yaw can only reduce about 50 percent of the RCS in the pitch plane, but increase about 150 percent of the RCS in the yaw plane. The SCFN with 15 degree vector angle in the pitch plane has the smallest RCS value.
Key words:  Spherical convergent flap nozzle  Vector angle  Iteration physical optics  Radar cross section