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基于主动间隙控制系统的高压涡轮机匣试验 *
胡嘉麟1,2,高金海1,柳 光1,2,崔 垒1,2,郭宝亭1
(1. 中国科学院 工程热物理研究所,北京 100190;2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
为研究某型主动间隙控制(Active Clearance Control,ACC)系统的工作特性,设计并搭建了高压涡轮机匣试验台。依据高压涡轮机匣的热环境分析结论,采用了控制温度的方式模拟热源。通过对该试验方案的误差分析及不同工况的重复性试验分析,对该试验方案进行了验证,并进行了有无ACC系统、不同热源温度下机匣温度场与位移场的测试。试验结果表明:在ACC系统未作用时,机匣径向热变形随温度增加近似线性增长,每升高1℃机匣径向热变形在3.5μm左右;在ACC系统作用时,温度场在周向出现“山峰”分布,位移场的周向不均度增大,最大周向不均匀度为335μm,并观察到壁面流区与泉流区呈现“IOI”状的交错分布现象。通过对不同工况下试验数据的分析,得出了ACC系统工作效率与机匣热变形率呈负相关的结论。
关键词:  主动间隙控制  热源模拟  高压涡轮机匣  热变形  试验
Experiment of High Pressure Turbine Case Based on Active Clearance Control System
HU Jia-lin1,2,GAO Jin-hai1,LIU Guang1,2,CUI Lei1,2,GUO Bao-ting1
(1. Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
In order to obtain the performance of one active clearance control (ACC) system, the experimental rig of model high pressure turbine case was designed and established. According to the analysis of the thermal environment of active clearance control system and error analysis of the test scheme, a temperature-control method was used to simulate the heat source, a verification of test data was presented by repeatability experiments. The tests under different heating temperature with/without the ACC system were carried out, the corresponding temperature field and displacement field of the case were measured. The experimental results showed that in the case the ACC did not work, the thermal deformation of the case in the radial direction was at a near-liner trend along with the growth of temperature, the thermal deformation of case increased about 3.5μm when the temperature grew 1℃; in the case the ACC worked, the temperature field along the circumferential direction was in a ‘peak’ shape distribution, also, the circumferential deformation difference grew bigger, the maximum is 335μm in this paper, an ‘IOI-like’ distribution which represented wall flow area and spring flow area was observed. Based on the analysis of the test data under different conditions, it is concluded that the working efficiency of the ACC system is negatively correlated with the thermal deformation of the casing.
Key words:  Active clearance control  Simulation of hear source  High pressure turbine case  Thermal deformation  Experiment