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李广超1,周 帅1,刘永泉2,杜治能2,张 魏1
(1. 沈阳航空航天大学 航空航天工程学部 辽宁省航空推进系统先进测试技术重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110136;2. 中国航发沈阳发动机研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110015)
关键词:  气膜冷却  半椭圆槽  涡轮叶片  冷却效率  对漩涡
Mechanism of Film Cooling for Combined Cylindrical Holes and Semi-Elliptical Slots
LI Guang-chao1,ZHOU Shuai1,LIU Yong-quan2,DU Zhi-neng2,ZHANG Wei1
(1. Liao Ning Key Lab of Advanced Test and Measurement Technique for Aerospace Propulsion System, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,Shenyang Aerospace University,Shenyang 110136,China;2. AECC Shenyang Engine Institute,Shenyang 110015,China)
Numerical simulation was carried out to study the flow field, temperature field and film cooling effectiveness downstream of cylindrical holes with semi-elliptical shape slots to reveal the mechanism of film cooling combined cylindrical holes and semi-elliptical slots. Influences of the depths of the semi-elliptical shape slots on film cooling were analyzed at different blowing ratios. The results show that the semi-elliptical slots are more easily to form counter-rotating vortices and the spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness of the semi-elliptical slot model increased 5%~119% compared with that of the saw tooth slot when the blowing ratio is 0.5 and 1.5. The distribution of spanwise film cooling effectiveness is more uniform and film cooling effectiveness is improved in the span regions between the cylindrical holes as the increase of the depths of semi-elliptical slot. At the blowing ratio of 0.5, the influence of the depths of the semi-elliptical shape slots on spanwise averaged film cooling is less than 15%. At the blowing ratio of 1.5, the spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness of the semi-elliptical slot depths of 0.5 times of film hole diameter case is higher than that of 0.25 and 0.75 times of film hole diameter by 55%~107% and 2%~16%, respectively.
Key words:  Film cooling  Semi-elliptical slot  Turbine blade  Cooling effectiveness  Vortex pair