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何 成,王如根,胡加国,李仁康,宋昊林
(空军工程大学 工程学院,陕西 西安 710038)
关键词:  涡流发生器  高负荷风扇  角区分离  周向相对位置  高度
Effects of Circumferential Position and Height of Vortex Generator on Performance of High-Load Fan
HE Cheng,WANG Ru-gen,HU Jia-guo,LI Ren-kang,SONG Hao-lin
(Engineering College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710038,China)
In order to study effects of the circumferential position and height of vortex generator on performance of high-load fan, the VG flow control programs before the root of the second stator were designed based on the feature of the fan flow. Different circumferential position and height VG programs were presented and the changes of fan aerodynamic performance and flow structure resulted from different VG programs were simulated. The results show that the corner separation of the second stator was suppressed by VG. The circumferential position of VG strongly influences the corner separation and flow loss of the second stator, while configuration C has the best effects. If the VG was too high, low-speed areas would appear near the pressure surface, while the flow loss in the channel of the second stator would increase, and the control program would have the best effects when the height of VG decrease 1% span within the limits of our study.
Key words:  Vortex generator  High-load fan  Corner separation  Circumferential position  Height