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郭荣荣,金志光,李 猛,张堃元
(南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016)
关键词:  RBCC进气道  双通道  数值模拟  调节规律
Investigation of a 2D Variable Geometry Over/Under Type Inlet for RBCC
GUO Rong-rong,JIN Zhi-guang,LI Meng,ZHANG Kun-yuan
(College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
In order to improve the seal and aerodynamic heating at the variable geometry throat section of RBCC inlet at high Mach number,an over/under type inlet was discussed by referring to the corresponding inlet that was previously applied to the TBCC.In the range of low Mach number,the inlet was adjusted to get a proper total contraction ratio and the same internal contraction ratio of each passage.Thus the two passages could gain similar performance parameters to reduce the mixing loss and resist the roughly same back pressure.In the range of high Mach number,the low-speed passage was closed and the high-speed passage was kept fixed.The numerical simulation results indicate when the free stream Mach number are 2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,the average Mach number of the two throat and outlet sections are similar,the deviations do not exceed 0.05 and the mass flow rate reaches about 0.7.In summary,this design enables the inlet to possess a high mass flow rate and good performance during the whole working range Ma=2~6,and the adjusting method is practical and feasible.
Key words:  RBCC inlet  Over/under type  Numerical simulation  Operating law