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周健1,2, 赵庆军1,3, 杜建一1
1.中国科学院 工程热物理研究所,北京 100190;2.中国科学院 研究生院,北京 100190;3.中国科学院 轻型动力重点实验室,北京 100190
为了揭示超声速串列转子流场的流动规律,运用全三维粘性流场计算程序对超声速串列转子的流场进行了数值模拟。结果表明,超声速串列转子可以实现激波增压和气流折转增压的联合应用。串列转子前后排叶片的相互干涉导致后排叶片前缘形成脱体激波,引入了一定的激波损失;前排叶片65%~75%叶高范围内近压力面低速流体区的存在一定程度上限制了后排叶片的增压能力;转子通道内叶尖泄漏流、通道激波和机匣附面层的相互作用造成转子前后排叶片叶尖处的气流落后角增大;串列转子出口静压的升高将削弱转子内结尾激波强度,提高转子气动效率。 
关键词:  超声速串列转子  激波  附面层  数值模拟
Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance in a Supersonic Tandem Rotor
ZHOU Jian1,2, ZHAO Qing-jun1,3, DU Jian-yi1
1.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;3.Key Laboratory of Light-Duty Gas-Turbine, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
In order to reveal the flow characteristics in a supersonic tandem rotor, a three-dimensional steady Navier-Stokes simulation was performed. The numerical results show that the combined compressing effect through shock wave and turned air flow can be obtained by supersonic tandem rotor. The predicted results also show that the interaction between the forward and aft blades induces a detached shock wave located at the leading edge of the aft blade, which results in the increase of flow loss in the tandem rotor. And a low velocity region is observed near the pressure side of the forward blade at the range from 65% to 75% span, which attenuates the aerodynamic loading of the aft blade. The results indicate that the interaction among the tip leakage flow, the passage shock and boundary layer flow leads to the increase of the flow deviation angle near the forward and aft blades tip region. The numerical results also indicate that the increase of the back pressure at the rotor exit tends to attenuate the intensity of the terminal shock wave in the rotor and improve the isentropic efficiency of the rotor. 
Key words:  Supersonic tandem rotor  Shock wave  Boundary layer  Numerical simulation