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肖泽娟1, 程惠尔2, 李鹏3, 刘振宇4, 周伟敏5, 周世宏6
1.上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 上海200240;2.上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 上海200241;3.上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 上海200242;4.上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 上海200243;5.海卫星工程研究所 上海200240;6.海卫星工程研究所 上海200241
为研究空间发动机的羽流特性及其对卫星的污染,在模拟空间环境下,进行了电加热CO2气体模拟发动机羽流流场的试验测量和理论计算。试验台主要包括空间环境模拟系统,电热气体模拟发动机,稳压气源,测量系统及其温控。理论计算采用计算流体动力学(CFD)和直接模拟Monte Carlo(DSMC)相结合的方法,完成了羽流场的数值模拟。测试结果表明,试验系统满足在10-3Pa量级的真空压力和93±5 K的背景温度下稳定运行和精确测量。不同坐标位置处试验数据和数值结果的比较表明,试验测量和理论计算吻合较好。
关键词:  羽流试验  羽流污染  DSMC/CFD方法  稀薄气体  超声速流  皮托压力
Pressure of a small nozzle plume flow in simulated space environment
XIAO Ze-juan1, CHENG Hui-er2, LI Peng3, LIU Zhen-yu4, ZHOU Wei-min5, ZHOU Shi-hong6
1.of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.,Shanghai 200240,China;2.of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.,Shanghai 200241,China;3.of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.,Shanghai 200242,China;4.of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.,Shanghai 200243,China;5.Shanghai Inst.of Satellite Engineering,Shanghai 200240,China;6.Shanghai Inst.of Satellite Engineering,Shanghai 200241,China
In order to study the space thurster plume flow and the contamination on the satellite,experimental and numerical investigations are performed for the electric-heated carbon dioxide plume flow in simulated space enviroment.The experiment system discussed herein inludes a simulated space enviroment vacuum facility,a simulated electric-heat-gas thruster,a steady pressure gas supply system,test system and temperature control system.Numerical calculation was conducted with the method CFD and DSMC.The experimental system works well and the measurements are performed accurately under the vacuum pressure of the 10-3 Pa order and the background temperature of 93±5 K.Comparison of experimental data and the numerical results at different radial distace for different axial lacation reveals that the test results agree well with the computation data.
Key words:  Plume experiment  Plume contamination  CFD/DSMC combined method  Dilute gas  Supersonic flow  Pitot pressure