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李桦1, 贾地2, 范晓樯3, 李晓宇4
1.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410077;2.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410078;3.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410079;4.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410080
关键词:  高超声速进气道  侧压+  前/后掠+  数值仿真
Calculation and comparison of forward/backward swept sidewall compression scramjet inlets
LI Hua1, JIA Di2, FAN Xiao-qiang3, LI Xiao-yu4
1.Inst.of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410077,China;2.Inst.of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410078,China;3.Inst.of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410079,China;4.Inst.of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410080,China
Configurations of sidewall and location of cowl have significant influence on the performance of sidewall-compression scramjet inlets.A series of numerical simulation are completed with the variation of flight height,Mach number and cowl position for forward and backward swept sidewall compression inlets.Compared with backward swept sidewall compression inlets,inlets with forward leading edges display better performances,demonstrated by higher mass capture ratio and static pressure raise,as well as more uniform out-let flow field.The results indicate that the differences are more obvious at low flight Mach number when the cowl is backward located.Mass capture ratio of forward-swept inlet is 7.7% higher than that of backward-swept inlet at Ma 4;however,the difference decrease to 2.6% when the inflow Mach number increases to Ma 8.
Key words:  Hypersonic inlet  Sidewall compression  Forward/backward  Numerical simulation