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万代红, 府勤, 黄洪勇
上海新风化工研究所 浙江湖州313002
为深入了解二硝酰胺铵(ADN)的热分解,为该氧化剂在推进剂中应用提供必要的技术保障和实验依据,采用热重分析法(TG)及差示扫描量热法(DSC),实验研究了氮气流量、合成中间体烷基羰基N—硝酰胺铵(AUN)及硝酸铵(AN)对ADN热分解过程的影响,并利用model freeisoconversional方法模拟ADN热分解过程的活化能曲线。结果表明:氮气流量和硝酸铵(AN)对ADN的热分解过程有显著影响,而AUN可使ADN热分解曲线产生肩峰,但基本不影响ADN的热分解过程。
关键词:  高能氧化剂  热分解  活化能
基金项目:总装备部预研课题 (41 3 2 80 3 0 40 2 )
Studies on thermal decomposition of ammonium dinitramide
WAN Dai-hong, FU Qin, HUANG Hong-yong
Shanghai XinFeng Chemical Engineering Inst., Huzhou 313002, China
The thermal decomposition of ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is studied by way of thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments for understanding the thermal decomposition behavior of ADN. The main contents include the effect of Nitrogen (N2) flowing rate, ammonium ethyl N-nitrocarbamate (AUN) content and ammonium nitrate (AN) content on it’s decomposition process and the activation energy curve of ADN thermal decomposition simulated by use of model-free isoconversion method. The results show that the decomposition process of ADN is affected by N2 flowing rate and AN content, but not affected by AUN content.
Key words:  High energy oxidizer  Thermal decomposition  Activation energy