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程谋森1,2, 刘昆1,2, 张育林1,2
研究了氢氧液体推进剂供应管路预冷充填过程瞬变流的计算方法。采用一维均相拟平衡态流体动力学模型 ,以统一的方程描述亚临界与超临界态流体流动。建立了涵盖主要传热工况的管壁与流体之间的传热模型。采用特征线差分方法求解管流方程。计算结果表明可以近似反映预冷充填过程的动态特性 ,为发动机系统设计与试验提供指导。
关键词:  低温推进剂火箭发动机  推进剂输送  非定常流  动态特性  特征线法
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目!(5 9886 0 0 3)
Numerical analysis of pre-cooling and priming transients in cryogenic propellant feed systems
Cheng Mousen,Liu Kun,Zhang Yulin
Inst of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National Univ of Defence Technology,Changsha 410073,China
A mathematical model for the simulation of transient behavior in cryogenic rocket engine feed systems was developed The flow of cryogenic propellants in pipelines was described as quasi one dimensional flow including all regimes from sub critical to super critical state,and the two phase flow was treated homogeneously as a pseudo fluid with average properties Heat transfer mechanism between the fluid and the pipe wall was taken into account in detail Method of characteristics solutions was used to solve the conservation equations Numerical results showed that the model developed can approximately describe most important features concerned in the feed systems
Key words:  Cryogenic propellant rocket engine  Propellant transfer  Unsteady flow  Dynamic characteristic  Method of characteristic  Curve