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刘高文1,2, 董素艳1,2, 刘松龄1,2
关键词:  涡轮  涡轮叶栅  叶栅流  涡流  二次流  流动分布  涡流损耗
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 !( 5 94 760 11)
Secondary flow measurements and flow losses near the endwall of linear turbine cascade
Liu Gaowen,Dong Suyan,Liu Songling
Dept of Aeroengine Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ ,Xi′an 710072,China
Measurements of the basic flow fields was made in a turbine cascade with five hole probe Special attentions were given to the three dimensional flow in the near enrdwall region between adjacent blades The relations between secondary flow and loss generation in a cascade were studied The experimental data show that passage vortex dominates the whole secondary flow fields and the two legs of horseshoe vortex are clearly identified But the suction side leg of horseshoe vortex would weaken itself and disappear gradually as the result of interacting with passage vortex On the traversing plane of x=0 62C x and the planes followed, a noticeable low momentum high loss core is found near the suction surface This core climbs upwards on the suction surface till to the far downstream of cascade
Key words:  Turbine  Turbine cascade  Cascade flow  Vortex flow  Secondary flow  Flow distribution  Eddy current loss