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刘雄1, 何立明1, 戴文峰2, 赵子晨1, 陈高成1, 张华磊3
1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院;2.西安飞行学院 第三训练旅;3.空军航空大学 航空作战勤务学院
关键词:  直流滑动弧等离子体点火器  电弧长度  点火过程  点火延迟时间
Experimental Study on Characteristics of DC Gliding Arc Plasma Igniter
LIU Xiong
Aeronautics Engineering College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an
In order to explore the performance characteristics of DC gliding arc discharge applied to ignition in the combustion chamber of an aeroengine, a DC gliding arc plasma igniter was designed in this paper and kerosene-air mixture ignition experiments were carried out in the model combustor. The arc generation and sliding process of the gliding arc plasma igniter and the development and propagation process of kerosene-air mixture ignition and flame in the combustor were recorded with a high speed camera. The effects of different air working medium flow rate, driving power output current, igniter electrode angle and igniter installation position on ignition characteristics of the gliding arc plasma igniter were studied. The results show that the gliding arc will produce irregular jump in the movement process, and there is a phenomenon of arc shunting, which leads to the change of arc length. Under the action of turbulence, the initial flame kernel will develop into a split, large area turbulent flame. The ignition area keeps increasing, and finally stable combustion is formed when t=21ms. The arc length of gliding arc plasma igniter decreases and the ignition delay time gradually increases with the increase of air working medium flow rate, the decrease of output current of driving power supply and the installation position of igniter away from fuel atomization nozzle. For example, when α=8, the arc length at I=30A is 47.1mm, which is 75.1% higher than that at I=20A, and the ignition delay time is 21mm, which is 40% shorter than that at I=20A. And with the increase of the igniter electrode angle, the arc length increases and then decreases, and the ignition delay time decreases and then increases. When the electrode angle θ=45°, the arc length is the longest and the ignition delay time is the shortest, which are 30.5mm and 12ms, respectively.
Key words:  DC gliding arc plasma igniter  Arc length  Ignition process  Ignition delay time