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沈阳航空航天大学 航空发动机学院,辽宁 沈阳 110136
关键词:  中介轴承  模态分解  极限学习机  灰狼算法  故障诊断
Method on inter-shaft bearing fault diagnosis based on extreme learning machine optimized by gray wolf optimizer
LUAN Xiaochi, ZHANG Xi, SHA Yundong, XU Shi
College of Aircraft Engine,Shenyang Aerospace University,Shenyang 110136,China
For the problem that the vibration signal of intermediate bearing faults are disturbed by complex transmission path and strong background noise and the fault features are not easily extracted, an inter-shaft bearing fault diagnosis method based on a combination of Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) optimized by Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO) was proposed. The vibration signal was decomposed, screened and reconstructed by CEEMDAN and the Correlation coefficient-Energy ratio-Kurtosis Criterion (CEKC); then extract the time and frequency domain features of the reconstructed signal to form the feature matrix; then reconstruct the ELM after optimizing the weights of the input and implied layers and the threshold of the implied layer using the average error rate as the fitness value of GWO; finally the feature matrix was input to ELM to obtain fault diagnosis results. Applied to the inter-shaft bearing fault diagnosis, the ELM has significantly improved the correct rate of fault diagnosis after GWO optimization, in which the correct rate of sensor data at 45° direction increased from 93.33% to 99.17%. The results show that the method can effectively diagnose the inter-shaft bearing fault type and shows a strong generalization ability.
Key words:  Inter-shaft bearing  Mode decomposition  Extreme learning machine(ELM)  Grey wolf optimizer(GWO)  Fault diagnosis