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中国航发四川燃气涡轮研究院,四川 成都 610500
气冷涡轮的出现使得航空发动机涡轮前温度可以进一步提高,促进了高性能航空发动机的飞速发展。然而随着复杂的内部冲击、扰流强化换热、对流气膜、致密气膜喷淋等冷却形式在涡轮部件上得到应用,冷气与燃气之间的相互作用也越发复杂。为对复杂冷却涡轮叶片的流动和传热耦合影响进行快速、精细化评估,本文建立了一种参数化建模方法,针对GE E3高压涡轮一级导向器进行高保真几何建模和气热耦合仿真。分析结果表明,该参数化建模方法可实现复杂气冷涡轮叶片的高保真几何建模,获得较高的气热耦合计算精度。同时通过详细分析获得了大量的涡轮叶片内部流动换热细节,可支撑高温涡轮叶片的精细化设计。
关键词:  气冷涡轮  参数化建模  气热耦合  高保真几何模型  叶片冷却
Turbine blade conjugated heat transfer analysis method based on parametric modeling
WANG Mengjun, XUE Weipeng, CHEN Along, ZENG Jun
AECC Sichuan Gas Turbine Establishment,Chengdu 610500,China
High-performance aeroengine develops rapidly with higher turbine inlet temperature which is supported by air-cooled turbine technology. However,the interaction between cooling-air and gas becomes more and more complex with the application of cooling forms such as internal impact, pin fins, convection film, and film cooling in turbines. A parametric modeling method is proposed for the rapid and refined assessment of the coupling effects of flow and heat transfer on complex cooling turbine blades. The high-fidelity geometric modeling and conjugated heat transfer analysis are carried out for GE E3 high pressure turbine first guide vane. The analysis shows that the parametric modeling method can reproduce complex air-cooled blade structure and obtain high accuracy of conjugated heat transfer calculation. Thus, a lot of details of flow and heat transfer inside the turbine are obtained, which can benefit the refined design of turbine with high inlet temperature.
Key words:  Air-cooled turbine  Parametric modeling  Conjugate heat transfer  High-fidelity geometric model  Blade cooling